Monday, September 30, 2019

Application of relevant principles and values Essay

In this assignment I will be writing a report explaining how the application of relevant principles and values will allow professionals to provide holistic support for individuals, such as John and Amina, who use social services. Empowerment- Empowerment means giving individuals a good amount of information regarding themselves so that they are able to have a say in decision making and choices about their own life. This is what is happening in John’s life as he very happy remaining in his own council flat even though it would make much sense for him to be put into a care home, where he can be cared for at all times but his decision is that he wants to live on his own he will not be forced to do anything but he can only receive information that he needs about things that he can do whenever he is ready. This benefits John in the way that it will lift his self-esteem. Making him feel empowered will make him feel that his say matters and that his thoughts and feelings are not bein g ignored. it will make him feel as if he is being respected and still considered as a responsible human being. As for the professional staff supporting him, enabling John to feel empowered may make them feel like they are enhancing productivity and collaboration by working together with him. It may give them a sense of shared purpose. Promotion of choice- This is encouraging that all individuals need to be able to select, either independently or with assistance, things like options and activities which are specifically for them. Choice can be promoted by explaining to the individual what is important to them and might not be to others. In Amina’s case she wants to study at university and this is her own choice and something that she really wants to do and no one can stop her from wanting that. Promotion of rights- This would be acknowledging and respecting somebody’s individuality. This includes confidentiality, discrimination, age and race. John seems as if he isn’t having problems concerning his rights because his neighbours seems to be trying their best to help him instead of discriminating against or seeing him as annoying because of his age. The promotion of choice and rights will benefit Amina because she will feel as if she is being acknowledg ed and that the steps are taken regarding her health are entirely up to hers and that she is not just going by what other people think. It also means that Amina can say or do what she wants and is entitled and not feel as if it is okay because she has  already been told that she will not be judged or ridiculed. This will make carers feel satisfied in knowing that they are doing their job right and being fair to the service user. Recognition of service users- This is just recognising a vulnerable person’s preferences. if this is acknowledged it makes working together easier. individuals like John may wish to state his preferences regarding the type of support that he wishes to receive, such as if a carer comes to his house on certain days of the week to check on him however he might not be comfortable with this being every day. The benefit of this is that it may give John the sense that he is still living independently despite of all the help that he may be receiving. It is important that he is not made to feel like everyone is making a big deal over him. It is important that he feels he is still allowed to stay in control of his daily life and activities. Carers may benefit from this by feeling like their job is made easier because if John is feeling independent the chances are that he will be a pleasure to work with. Involvement of individuals in planning their support- This is a person-centred approach to care. This means that care is focused on the individual to ensure that independence and autonomy are promoted. Care workers should not make decisions without discussing and consulting the individual which is involved. For example, John wouldn’t suddenly be informed that he is being moved into a care home without his own consent. Both John and the care worker benefit from this because they engage in conversation. John benefits out of this because, he is stating what he really wants as this is all about him, his interests and abilities so this means they have his best interest at heart and will provide him with what he is asking for. The care worker may benefit from this because collecting this information will help them long term as they are finding out things about John which they may have never really need. Respect for religious beliefs, moral beliefs, values and care- There is a diverse range of backgrounds in Britain and this means there is a wide range of behaviours and beliefs which should be recognised and valued. Living and working in a culturally and socially diverse society can benefit us because we are exposed to many different kinds of people and we learn from them and enjoy the things that they may have to share. For example, Amina would benefit if she was to be sent a duty social worker originally from South Africa and she may really get along with him/her  because they might always tell great stories about South Africa and its wildlife and in turn the social worker may enjoy hearing Aminas stories about where and how she grew up, she would enjoy these visits from social services and would probab ly feel less like she is being interrogated all the time. This benefits both Amina and the duty social worker because they are both socialising and may gain new found interests. Anti-discriminatory practice- Discrimination is caused by prejudice and that leads to negative behaviour. It is to treat someone differently because of their class or background without regard to the individual. Examples include, social, racial, religious, sexual, disability, ethnic and age related discrimination. There is also a danger of stereotyping or making assumptions about people because of the above factors, for example people may stereotype against an individual like John because he is older. The anti-discriminatory practice benefits John because it means that he doesn’t have to worry about being discriminated against. The anti-discriminatory practice makes sure that an individual like John doesn’t suffer from discrimination which means that his physical and psychological needs are not being ignored as discrimination leads to stress which coul d make his dementia worse. The care worker benefits from this because it means that there is less risk of John’s health deteriorating. Holistic approach- This would be considering all of a person’s needs and providing opportunities for the needs to be met. This includes physical, intellectual, emotional and social needs. Even though Amina has enough physical needs, this should not be the only thing that is being paid attention to. Perhaps her social well-being should also be acknowledged , this can be done by social workers suggesting things to her such as clubs where she can be involved in playing chess with her peers every once or twice a week. This would benefit Amina because it will mean that her mind will work better for a reasonable amount of time and it means that not only one part of her whole self is being considered. This will make the care worker feel as if they are doing their job properly because providing care for Aminas PIES means taking care of her as a whole. Working in partnersh ip- This would be different health and social care agencies working together. Sharing good practice contributes to the support of vulnerable individuals. For example, when it comes to supporting John, the social worker and the doctor need to work together in order to share ideas  and suggestions regarding John’s health support plan. This benefits John because many people working together to provide care for him means that there will be more options for him since everyone has a say and there are more suggestions for him. This benefits the care worker because they are not working on their own, they have others to help them out and share each other’s ideas, that some people on their own wouldn’t have been able to put together. A multi-disciplinary/inter-agency approach- This is different professions and services co-operating so that certain problems are avoided when planning support. Different options can be considered and resources can be offered to be included in the support plan in order for things to run smoothly for individuals like John, they may arrange to refer him to local authorities and various organisations such as age concern in order for him to receive the best support. This also means that he will never run short of anything or people around him. This will provide a better outcome coming from the care workers as their job is made simpler because a well organised multi-disciplinary team can help avoid duplication of roles and conflicts of responsibilities between the different agencies, support plan manager and John himself. Confidentiality- This means that an individual has a right to privacy and control over their personal details. if the individual has trusted you enough for them to reveal their information, it is important to keep information provided by the individual confidential, it is also legal requirement. Sometimes this information needs to be passed on to another professional in John’s case, his doctor may need to pass on some information to his duty social worker but this must not be done unbeknownst to him. This benefits John because it means that sometimes he can let all of his thoughts out in confidence to somebody that he trusts and can feel as if a weight has been lifted of his shoulders this is because sometimes it is good to talk to someone about how you are feeling as it will help his emotional needs. This benefits the care worker because John opening up to them may make it easier for them to help him, advise him and hear his cry for help without having to wonder what he is really thinking. Fulfilling responsibilities- Care workers must follow the policies and procedures of the place in which they are employed and they must take full responsibility because they signed a contract. By doing this, they are safeguarding individuals like John who are in their care and are being good role models. This will also ensure that  people like John feel like they are actually being heard and that they are not alone and their needs are being fully met. This also benefits the care workers themselves because if John is satisfied then that gives them the heads up that they are meeting his needs and that they didn’t come into the job to be unhelpful and a disappointment.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Comparative Look at the Japanese Healthcare System

A Comparative Look at the Japanese Healthcare Systems The Japanese health care system is one of the most efficient in the world. In fact, it is so efficient that the people of Japan have the highest life expectancy rate of any other country in the world (The Economist, 2011). Life expectancy at birth was 83 years in 2009 ; 79. 6 for males and 86. 4 years for females (Wikipedia, 2012). The Japanese government has been able to accomplish this through strict regulations and policies.Although this system has worked for the people of Japan since its institution in 1961, heir healthcare system is now facing financial ruins if changes are not implemented in the near future. It is my intent to explore why the Japanese health system has been able to function in a cost effective way and how it affects health outcomes. Japan has a universal health system called kaihoken (The Economist, 2011). Citizens are required to get insurance. Most people get it through their employers and are responsible for paying10%, 20%, or 30% of their healthcare costs depending on their family size and income.The government covers the difference (Wikipedia, 2012). If a itizen cannot get coverage through an employer then they have the option of participating in a national health insurance program that is managed by the local government (Wikipedia, 2012). Japanese citizens are free to go to any physician or healthcare facility that they want and cannot be denied treatment (Wikipedia, 2012). Because of this freedom, Japanese citizens visit the doctor four times more than the average American does in a year (Wikipedia, 2012). Japan has strict regulations on the healthcare system that allows them to keep their costs down.Japan has about the owest per capita health care costs among the advanced nations of the world, at around $2,873 (Arnquist, 2009). They are able to do this for many reasons. The first being they set a fixed price for services and medications with physicians every two years. This way there is no question about what their compensation will be (Harden, 2009). Also, administrative costs are four times lower than they are in the United States, partly because insurance companies cannot set rates for treatment or deny claims. It is against the law for them to make profits or advertise to attract low-risk, igh-profit clients (Harden, 2009).The downside to all of this is physicians in Japan are overworked and underpaid, making an average of about $125,000 by the time they are midway into their careers (The Economist, 2011). There is evidence that physicians and hospitals compensate for minimal reimbursement rates by providing more services. This is acceptable because the fee-for-service system does not limit the supply ot care comprehensively. Japan's physicians oversee almost three times as many consultations a year as their colleagues in other developed countries do. There s also a shortage of physicians within Japan, especially those who practice specialty medicine. In Japan, physicians who practice primary care makes more money than their colleagues who practice highly specialized care (Arnquist, 2009). This is the complete opposite from American doctors. Some other issues that the Japanese healthcare system faces are an aging population and an overutilization of services. As stated earlier, Japan has the highest life expectancy rate in the world. This also means that the government will have to take care of more of their citizens' medical eeds for an extended period of time. It is estimated that by 2050 two-fifths of the population will be over the age of 65 (The Economist, 2011).With an aging population and low birth rates, this puts a substantial strain on government spending. Another problem that Japan faces is an overutilization of services. By this I mean citizens are much more likely to go see a physician for minor illnesses because there are no restrictions on which they can see at any time, without proof of medical necessity and with full insurance coverage (Henke et. al. , 2009). Since everyone has access to edical care, long wait times in physician offices and overcrowding in emergency rooms are commonplace.A report has shown that more than 14,000 emergency patients were rejected at least three times by hospitals in Japan before getting treatment (Wikipedia, 2012). The average length of a hospital stay is two to three times as long in Japan as in other developed countries (Henke et. al. , 2009). In contrast, the U. S. has a lower life expectancy than Japan at 78. 7 years (CDC, 2010). This is in large part to our high obesity rates and unhealthy lifestyles. The older population, those persons aged 65 years and older, makes up about 12. % of the U. S. population (AOA, 2013).Both Japan and the U. S. have seen declines in their birthrates. But unlike Japan, Americans are less likely to seek medical care for minor ailments such as the Japanese. This is due to the fact that a large number of Americans have little to none insurance coverage. Those that do have coverage often have copays. Another vast difference between the two healthcare systems is the insurance regulations that many Americans encounter. It is not an uncommon practice for insurance companies to deny patients claims and not cover certain medical treatment.The patients are then forced to appeal the claim, pay out of pocket, or simply do without the treatment that they needed. One would think that because the Japanese have so much access to health services that their health outcomes would be above average. This is not always the case. The physician shortage means long wait times and shorter consultations. Those that have complicated medical cases often do not get the proper amount of medical attention (The Economist, 2011). The Japanese are only a quarter as likely as Americans to suffer a heart attack, but twice as likely to die if they do (The Economist, 2011).An oversaturation of hospitals also affects health outcomes. Research has shown that health outcomes are better when the centers and physicians responsible for procedures perform large quantities of them. Because Japan has so many hospitals, very few are able to achieve this (Henke et. al. , 2009). The small scale of most Japanese hospitals also means that they are inadequately equipped with intensive- care and other specialized units. Very few Japanese hospitals have oncology units. Theretore, a number ot ditterent departments in each hospi tal deliver care tor cancer Henke et. l. , 2009). In the U. S. physicians and nurse are required are certain number of Continuing Education hours every few years in order to renew their license. This helps them stay current with medical practices and sharpens their skills. In Japan, once a doctor or nurse is licensed, they are no longer required to further their education. There is no central agency oversees the quality of these physicians' training nor are there criteria for board certification in specialties (H enke et. al. , 2009). Despite some flaws, the Japanese healthcare system is able to do many hings well.For one, the Japanese system is quite proficient in chronic care, particularly due to the fact that it has so many older people. Along with appropriate medical care, Japan also provides long-term care to all older people who need it through a public insurance system that started in 2000 (Henke et. al. , 2009). In Japan, a person's income does not influence the quantity and quality of medical care that they receive. Premiums and out-of-pocket costs are minor concerns for most people, and those whom have a low-income and the elderly receive subsidies to afford care Arnquist, 2009).

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Can The War Be Justified History Essay

Can The War Be Justified History Essay The Cambodia-Vietnamese War was a series of conflicts involving various nations such as Cambodia, Vietnam, Hanoi, China and the United States of America. It was a conflict that flourished from border disputes between Cambodia and Vietnam. Minute aspects that contributed to this controversy stretched as far back as the 14th Century, when the Khmer Empire declined and when Khmers and Vietnamese dealt with an uneasy integration in an atmosphere of suppressed mistrust. The formlessness of the conflicts has made it difficult to identify the time frame unerringly but has been gauged that it occurred between 1975 and 1989. However, the war’s foremost conflict was the Cambodian Incursion by the Vietnamese in 1978. It is debatable to affirm if this controversy can be justified accordingly. By examining the manifold of causes and effects of the conflict with close study to the Just War Theory to substantiate my view, I will elaborate on why I think that a form of equilibrium has been e stablished of the war in terms of being unjust or otherwise. Vietnam possessed no precise or pertinent reason to invade Cambodia. Emory Swank, the U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia came to a conclusion that â€Å"The war is losing more and more of its point and has less and less meaning for any of the parties concerned.† (Schanberg and Pran 11). This is relative to the border disputes because of the U.S. involvement in providing military assistance for General Marshal Lon Nol, who overthrew Sihanouk in 1970, in Cambodia during the war. However, the Just War theory criteria, Jus ad bellum, states that a party must possess the right intention to go to war, and in turn will be granted the right to go to war (Just War Theory,  The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Cambodia and Vietnam’s feeble relationship fortified in 1965 when Prince Norodom Sihanouk of Cambodia, despite mistrusting the Vietnamese, allowed North Vietnamese Communists to â€Å"establish ‘sanctuarie s† inside the borders of Cambodia (Schanberg and Pran 11). After North and South Vietnam signed an agreement in Paris on January 27th 1973, Cambodian communists were left to stand alone. This being the basis of the international relationship provoked many controversies, but never provided Vietnam with a commensurable rationale to invade Cambodia. The invasion into Cambodia by the Vietnamese was a disproportionate response to the 2-year long border dispute between the two countries. According to Jus ad bellum, the â€Å"goal attained should be in proportion to the offence† (Just War Theory,  The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy). However, over two million lives were at the expense of â€Å"settling disputes† between two countries. It is impossible for Vietnam’s eventual goal to measure up and find equilibrium with the execution of over two million inhabitants. The invasion failed to ameliorate, furthermore prevent more evil than it caused. According to statistics, a larger amount of people were directly affected by the invasion and massacre rather than the series of border conflicts. Thus, the invasion failed to prevent more human suffering than it caused. According to the theory, â€Å"the means used to fight must be in proportion to the wrong to be righted†. (Just War Theory,  The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) However, the lives of a massive number of people were at the expense of the Vietnamese invasion, therefore, with humanity at stake, the goal cannot be compared to the evil committed in this incursion.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Understanding of virtue Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Understanding of virtue - Assignment Example , n.d.) If this is correct, the virtue of a dressmaker is what enables her to sew beautiful dresses, or the virtue of a gardener is what enables him to produce a bountiful harvest, or etc.. In this aspect, virtue is different from person to person, but this does not give us a general description of a virtue. Mackenzie (1985), in her discussions of moral theories, said that Plato has a naturalist approach to evaluative qualities, and to relations which causes complexities. It is Plato’s reasoning that an object has a particular value to different persons at a different time and in a different relation, it is opposite. As digressed By Mackenzie, Plato values of an object vary subjectively, so that to be able to understand it, one must be able to assess and understand it, and that sometimes, these assessments are contradictory, since they are cognitively unreliable. Plato has made a conclusion, as Mackenzie pointed out, that â€Å"over and above sensible things, there exists ent ities that give absolute understanding of values, and these are the Forms which are cognitively reliable, pure instantiations, or absolutes, of value that provide us with the knowledge of what is best†. Plato’s representation is hard to follow, as in when he said that when we use a value term twice, it should have the same meaning, in mind. Plato has a view that for any given term, there should only be one Form that represents it all. (Mackenzie) There should be a universal term, but this thing is not possible because of complexity of meaning. Take the word beautiful or noble for example. This means, as I gathered from Plato’s discourse, a term may have different evaluative meaning like the words useful, fine and pleasant The first discourse In Plato’s dialogue about virtue and the question that lies beneath is whether or not virtue can be taught. His understanding of virtue in the book is that virtue is not a form of knowledge and that it has no clear definition. I cannot simply

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Critique of Research Article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Critique of Research Article - Essay Example In Australia, rural nurses represent an impressive percentage of the nursing community. According to the Association for Australian Rural Nurses, Inc. (Mission and Objectives), there are 90,000 Australian rural nurses. Drury (Online) commented that nurses in rural and remote areas of Western Australia are often sole practitioners, and that community mental health nurses were often sole care providers, responsible for coordinating all aspects of the clients’ care. Therefore, research relating to these 90,000-strong women and men is important to nursing and clinical practice. Topical research, such as treating patients with mental health problems, an area that challenges not just generalist nurses but also well-schooled mental health professionals, is certainly welcomed. The interest is not just theoretical, it is financial, too. The Australian Medical Association’s Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Mental Health (April 2005) noted that between 2000-2001, four mental health-related concerns (Mental Disorders, Nervous System Disorders, Alzheimers/Dementias, Other Nervous System) were responsible for over 25% of the health spending in Australia. The raw figure for spending is in the untold millions. Thus, the provision of timely, appropriate, mental health care is not just an ethical or social imperative, it is a financial one, too, and information pertaining to such care is valuable. Clark et al.’s (205-213) article, â€Å"Rural generalist nurses’ perceptions of the effectiveness of their therapeutic interventions for patients with mental illness,† according to the title, states it will discuss the nurses and â€Å"perceptions of the effectiveness of their therapeutic interventions for patients with mental illness† (205), certainly an important topic. This content description is echoed in the last paragraph of the Introduction, also. However, after reading one or two pages of the article or reviewing the

Homeland security Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Homeland security - Assignment Example Secondly, since the department is faced with the challenge of shrinking resources, taking an all-hazards approach will help address this problem. Although critics of the all-hazards approach have pointed to resource availability as a major restraining factor, a closer analysis reveals the opposite. This is because a single comprehensive program for responding to all types of disasters will be developed as opposed to having separate capabilities for the different disasters (Canada, 2003). Such a unified approach will help eliminate bureaucracy, and ensure that all relevant bodies across all the states work in harmony. This is well captured in the DHS’s 2012 strategic plan where it is recommended that an integrated approach to disaster management should be adopted. This can be effectively achieved through sharing of information with federal, state and local partners, including the private sector as well as international partners. Finally, the DHS is capable of handling all types of disasters if relevant local and regional structures are put in place. Through this, it will be easy to identify and deal with threats of all kinds in good time. Since homeland security is more than terrorism, the DHS must enhance its capacities and deal with all forms of hazards. As noted in the article by Christopher Bellavita (2008), homeland security goes beyond terrorism. This requires bringing all stakeholders on

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Process - Essay Example Furthermore, to make the point clear, acquiring the pleasure of drinking doesn’t happen instantly, let alone alcoholism. According to Research professor of Psychology Dr. Goldman, there is â€Å"Information stored in memory that prepares people for the circumstances they encounter.† (Children’s images of alcohol, This memory is known as expectancies which functions automatically and saves thoughts and experiences directly into our subconscious minds. Dr. Goldman further explained that according to studies, â€Å"Children begin to acquire alcohol expectancies at a very young age† which yield negative reactions to the substance at first until such time that he strongly emphasized the position that, â€Å"by fifth and sixth grade, these expectancies turn positive, focusing on the arousing and positive effects of alcohol use.† The use of alcohol generally from fifth to sixth grade not only stops there, it naturally serves as a t hreshold to even bigger problem areas. NIAA studied that by the time eighth grade steps in, so does the habit of â€Å"binge† drinking increase, which eventually leads to alcoholism upon reaching adulthood. (2003) Alcohol expectancies turn positive through the hundreds of researches that explain the different factors leading to a young child’s exposure to drinking. The top three are: familial exposure, self risk factors and the ever popular peer pressure. Genetics on the other hand also â€Å"play[s] a role in the development of alcoholism, [but that] this is a disease in which other factors more strongly influence its occurrence.† (Alcohol and Teens. Family exposure is one of these influences. Under-supervised children, family arguments and parental history of drinking all affect the child’s alcohol preferences. There is also the individual factor in which the person may have low coping management and deal with stress and other unfavorable events by drinking.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 39

English - Essay Example This paper therefore analyzes the main factors that are responsible for influencing success in British education system. Moore, Aiken and Chapman (2009) explain and insist that the main factor responsible for academic success in the education system of Britain is the social status and income of the student under consideration. Oneill (2008) explain that the high social status of a student will positively affect the test score that the child attains in class. Students coming from high social class enjoy the best facilities and materials that can help them to attain higher scores while they are in school. Furthermore, the parents or guardians of these children have the capability of taking them to private schools, that have highly qualified and talented teachers who will guide them on their academic performances or study. Furthermore, King (2008) explains that most people who come from high social backgrounds, their guardians or parents have a sound education background. It is based on this education background that these guardians will use to encourage their children or students to work hard in school, giving them all the necessary support needed for purposes of achieving this objective. Furthermore, these students are able to interact with their peers, who come from the same social class, having similar academic objectives, and hence motivating themselves, regarding academic studies and performances. It is important to understand that peer pressure plays a great role in influencing the behavior of a child (Oneill, 2008). Bad peer groups will negatively affect the child, making them loss interest in academics, as well as other social areas that can play a role in their growth. On the other hand, good peer groups play an important role in motivating a child to work hard in whatever he or she endeavors to undertake. King (2008)

Monday, September 23, 2019

On literature review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

On literature review - Assignment Example The paper reviews the literature on the topic of the impacts of internet on information literacy and library skills. The use of the internet has led to increased skills in the use of the library (Probert, 2009). The use of the internet particularly â€Å"Web 2.0† has implications for libraries. Technologies of Web 2.0 which include a synchronized messaging and streaming data, social networks, blogs, tagging, RSS feeds and wikis have changed the way in which libraries provide access to their collections and the support for the library users (Probert, 2009). Internet has been used in learning institutions to check for plagiarism in student papers (Probert, 2009). Plagiarism simply refers to the use of one’s piece of work as your original text. With the invention of the internet many students have found the information especially for their assignment accessible (Probert, 2009). The internet provides relevant information which increases information literacy among the students. However, most students have engaged in dishonest practices. The use of the internet such as the Turnitin has made it possible to check for plagiarism on students papers (Probert, 2009). In conclusion, the use of the internet has led to information literacy and improved library skills. The use of internet has improved the research methods among the students increasing accessibility of relevant information. In order to improve the information literacy, there is need to encourage the use of the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Effects of Chlorinated Drinking Water Essay Example for Free

Effects of Chlorinated Drinking Water Essay Chlorine is added to drinking water, as a disinfectant, to get rid of harmful bacteria, which are usually present in areas from where the water is obtained. The controversy of this issue is that chlorination can work as an advantage or as a disadvantage to those consuming it. Chlorine is currently the most effective water treatment when compared with other alternatives. However, it also reacts with natural organic compounds present in the water to produce harmful chemicals that on a long-term basis are very dangerous. The most well known adverse effects of contaminated water is shown in the Walkerton crisis in May 2000, where an outbreak of E. Coli contamination occurred in the water system of Walkerton, Ontario. Seven people died, and a further 2300 fell ill after consuming water that was contaminated by farm manure (Walkerton Report, CBC 2008). This could have been prevented if proper chlorination had taken place. Examples of contaminants that chlorine eliminates are microbes such as E. Coli, Salmonella typhi and Shigella. E. Coli grows when the water is contaminated with human and animal waste products. Upon consuming E. Coli contaminated water, an individual suffers from diarrhea, cramps, nausea, renal failure and sometimes even death. Consuming water contaminated with Salmonella typhi causes typhoid fever. Shigella causes severe abdominal cramping with blood and mucus in the stool. Chlorine’s major advantage is that the water remains disinfected until it reaches the point of consuming, unlike other disinfectants such as ozone or ultraviolet light. Chlorine not only purifies water, it also prevents bacterial growth, nitrogenous contaminants and such from growing in water pipes and storage tanks. It also gets rid of odors, unpleasant taste and organisms known as nuisance organisms. Slime bacteria, iron and sulfate reducing bacteria give the water a very unpleasant look and smell. These bacteria do not cause disease but chlorination gets rid of these organisms. Not only is chlorine easy to use, it is also widely available and of low cost. However, chlorine is also associated with producing harmful byproducts as it reacts with chemicals already present in water. These products are known as disinfection by-products. They include chloroform and are known as trihalomethanes or THMs for short. Studies conducted have shown that tested animals that are exposed to high amounts of THM are at a much greater risk for cancer. Even with humans, long-term exposure to chlorination can greatly increase risks of cancer (LaPure Water Inc, 2000). Also, chlorination does not get rid of all nitrate products. It only prevents the nitrates from reaching a toxic form. These nitrates are from manure products that have not been absorbed by plants. This is not particularly dangerous to adults, but with excess levels can cause â€Å"blue baby† disease (methemoglobinemia) in young infants (Nitrate: Health Effects in Drinking Water, McCasland). Chlorinated water also affects its taste and smell. Using chlorinated water to make coffee, tea, soups, etc changes its taste and smell. Even with these disadvantages, it is evident that the benefits of chlorination outweigh the risks. With proper treatment – making sure that chlorine is not added in excess and proper water testing, drinking water would be much healthier. The only major disadvantage of chlorinated water is the long-term effects of THMs. It is known that using a carbon filter actually gets rid of THMs and other chlorination by-products. People should be made aware of this and encouraged to use carbon filters to filter the water out instead of consuming straight from the tap. There are alternatives to chlorination as well, such as ozonation, which is a method of disinfection by adding ozone gas to water and applying an electric current. It is very effective against microbes and only forms by products, which can be removed with further treatment. Another method of disinfectant is by Ultraviolet light treatment. This method is effective against even more microbes than chlorine is but it is also costly. However, these methods can only be used as primary disinfectants, chlorine is required as a secondary disinfectant in order to disinfect water as much as possible. Also, these methods are temporary – the water does not remain disinfected until it reaches point of being consumed. In conclusion, chlorination is the most effective method of disinfecting water from drinking purposes. It’s the only method that keeps the water clean from the point of treatment to the point of consuming it. It is also the only disinfectant that is capable of minimizing all possible health risks caused by contaminated water. The adverse effects of chlorine such as its harmful by-products can be eliminated or reduced with the use of carbon filters.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Henry Fords Leadership Style and Culture

Henry Fords Leadership Style and Culture Henry Ford is a well-known figure. An inventor, Successful Entrepreneur and he is a philanthropist and successful American businessmen who was the founder of Ford Motor Company. Henry Ford was born in 30th July 1863 on a farm Greenfield Township Michigan in United State and Ford family were immigrant from Ireland. He lost his mother in 1876 when he was thirteen and he had no interest in taking over his family farm and he moved to city of Detroit. He used to work as an apprentice at the flowers machine shop. In 1896 he was successfully built his first automobile, called quadricyle. Henry Ford started his own Ford Motor Company in 16th June 1903 with $100,000 of capital stock but only $ 28,000 paid in cash. After introducing model T in 01st of October in 1908 his wisdom able to change the millions of lives in that period. Making of Model T is a one of main milestone in the personal transportation. Model T is a car very easy to operate and easy to handle on the rough roads and its automatically became as a huge success in car making industry. In 1918 half of all the American cars were the Ts and because of that Ford had to build-up another large factory in Michigan in 1910. Henry started accurate manufacturing, standardizing and interchanging parts in 1913 and he moved to assembly line system as well. It was a one of greatest revolution of the automobile industry because it reduced the assembly time per vehicle and it done very smoothly and efficiently with law cost. Henry Fords production of T model made the largest automobile manufacturer in the world.   Henry ford is the inventor of the modern day assembly line method of production for his model T cars and hold more than 100 patent for his inventions. He is a leader who had great qualities which proven by his popularity and building affordable cars. Individual consideration / appreciate workers He was a person who appreciated his workers by paying them a huge wages for all of his assembly line workers. Because of that he grab all the talented workers in the region to work in ford. Not only by paying high salaries but also by giving some credits to their work and by making an environment where they happy to work and feel that they are a part of an organization. Believing yourself He believed himself and taught others to believe their self and always push them to go beyond their limits and imagination which could make impossible, a possible. Born to work He realized that work takes an essential part of our lives. As a human being we need to work, in order to reach your goals, to accomplish your dreams, to change impossible to possible. Work represent a huge part of our lives. Cost cutting He implement this method to produce more automobiles which everybody can afford. Reduce the production cost by eliminating expensive options such as luxury look, design, choice of colour and producing automobiles using an assembly line method. Credibility He had all the knowledge about automobiles. His vision is not only invent just a machine but invent it in larger quantities and it should be able to afford for everyone. Intellectual stimulation His way of thinking by introducing the moving assembly line, minimum stock level and minimising wastage. Decision making He was a great decision maker. Made the right thing at the right time. When other manufactures thinking about luxury cars he thought about the affordable cars which is more reliable in economical market. Risk taking Henry Ford is a risk taker because after he became as an unshakable giant in the automotive industry he decided to join to aviation trade and he started manufacturing since 1925 and he built few aircrafts for the US army and passenger transportation but he had to shut it down in 1933 because of poor sales and 1929 economic recession. That is a one of his financial and reputation risk MOTIVATION He is always interested in mechanics. He had a born talent for mechanism and his passion for the machines and most importantly he became as engineer with Edison illuminating company in 1891. Those are the reason to inspire him and dedicate his for the industry. After he established Ford Company he had to compete with the other automotive companies which made him more innovative, self-believing and reputed. Those motivations led him to the success in automobile industry. Individual consideration which means paying high wages, appreciation toward their workers and hardworking (there was a time henry could have retired even though he stayed and work for the company) inspired his team. ANALYSIS HENRY FORD COMPARATIVE WITH OTHER ENTREPRENEURS Henry Ford was a great Entrepreneur and same as Richard Branson funder of Virgin group seen by many of as also a good Entrepreneur and he stared over 200 companies and many of his companies have been succeed but few have still failed but when he comparing with quality of risk taking he is a unbeatable risk taker in every part because he had good gut feeling and he start everything as an apprentice and driven it to the target. Bill gate is another great entrepreneur, contributes to the technical progress in the world like Henry Ford in Automobile industry. He had a great determinations and perseveration to develop the industry and he developed the computer systems and his quality of hard working he driven to his targets. Bill gates and Henry Ford both are having same entrepreneur qualities but within little time period Bill gate able change the IT industry, because he has lots of sources and he is an expert in his field but it is different in Henry Fords time and its cannot be compare to the time who Bill gates living in. William C Durant also a great entrepreneur who started his career as a sales man, later he found the general motor company. He established many automobile companies, most of them are join ventures and blooming, yet few was fallen as a result of Durants poor decision making. If we compare the Durants decision making quality to ford, Durant made the decisions by looking at its present economy and short term success. His poor decision led him to lost the control of GM. General Motors built on their vision and took over to first place in market share by adding variety. But, it was Henry Ford who saw a future much different and much better than his current day. (The title of Fords popular 1926 book, Today and Tomorrow, reflects this). Ford is an innovator, he invented assembly line method to the automobile production though Durant didnt invent any to the industry. Risk taking is another great quality of ford. Not being framed to the automobile production, he took his production to the aviation industry, instead. He built few aircraft to the US Army and passenger transportation. It wasnt successful shut down the company because of poor sales and recession. Durant wasnt a risk taker, he never tried a new industry he just stick to the automobiles. By comparing Henry Fords qualities with William C Durant, Henry ford was great entrepreneur who had all the qualities, such as innovation, rick taking, decision making, to be a great leader to lead his team and organization to the success. HOFSTEDES 5 CULTURAL DIMENSIONS Five dimensions of culture Armed with a large database of cultural statistics, Hofstede analysed the results and found clear patterns of similarity and difference amid the responses along these five dimensions. Interestingly, his research was done on employees of IBM only, which allowed him to attribute the patterns to national differences in culture, largely eliminating the problem of differences in company culture. Power/Distance (PD) This refers to the degree of inequality that exists and is accepted among people with and without power. A high PD score indicates that society accepts an unequal distribution of power and people understand their place in the system. Low PD means that power is shared and well dispersed. It also means that society members view themselves as equals. According to the above explanation henry Fords strategy is categories under the low power/distance (PD). The characteristics of an organization to identify whether a high PD or low PD is are, It should be a flat (horizontal) organization which means, an organization with less or no levels of intervening management between its staff and management. Equalise, the way they treat to the managers or the supervisors are same as the way treat to the employees Ford motor company is an organization with a less management between its staff which relief employees from extra pressure and they are able to see the result of what they have really done, what is the outcome of his action. There are more possibilities to try their new ideas and management can identify the creativity and it can be used for companys success. Employees are loyal to the company. Henry treated everyone in a same manner by appreciating their work not considering who he is, what position he/she hold. Individualism (IDV) This refers to the strength of the ties people have to others within the community. A high IDV score indicates a loose connection with people. In countries with a high IDV score there is a lack of interpersonal connection and little sharing of responsibility, beyond family and perhaps a few close friends. A society with a low IDV score would have strong group cohesion, and there would be a large amount of loyalty and respect for members of the group. The group itself is also larger and people take more responsibility for each others wellbeing. Masculinity (MAS) This refers to how much a society sticks with, and values, traditional male and female roles. High MAS scores are found in countries where men are expected to be tough, to be the provider, to be assertive and to be strong. If women work outside the home, they have separate professions from men. Low MAS scores do not reverse the gender roles. In a low MAS society, the roles are simply blurred. You see women and men working together equally across many professions. Men are allowed to be sensitive and women can work hard for professional success. Henry appointed anyone who has a talent in automobile without any consideration, whether male or female and appreciated in same manner. So the ford company is categories under low MAS. No matter male or female, if company recognized your talent and admire and respect it that persons motivation level is high. That would help an organization to motivate their employees. Uncertainty/Avoidance Index (UAI) This relates to the degree of anxiety society members feel when in uncertain or unknown situations. High UAI-scoring nations try to avoid ambiguous situations whenever possible. They are governed by rules and order and they seek a collective truth. Low UAI scores indicate the society enjoys novel events and values differences. There are very few rules and people are encouraged to discover their own truth. Entering and starting a business in automobile industry is not a tranquil thing. Person must have a knowledge of the industry, product and the economy and talent of course. Henry was risk taker (one of his great leadership quality) which we has seen it from him, when was moved to aviation. His vision aimed the future and strategies were long term. Henry didnt take the decisions by looking at the present economy statues. So its a low UAI. Long Term Orientation (LTO) This refers to how much society values long-standing as opposed to short term traditions and values. This is the fifth dimension that Hofstede added in the 1990s after finding that Asian countries with a strong link to Confucian philosophy acted differently from western cultures. In countries with a high LTO score, delivering on social obligations and avoiding loss of face are considered very important. Henry ford, he is the creator of ford motors he has the power to shut it down and treat the others in the company as he want. There was always a chance for creativity and innovation in the ford company. He didnt falter to do any changes according to the market and the economy. Because of those reasons according to the Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions its a low LTO CONCLUSION In 1999 November Business magazine of Fortune selected Henry Ford as Businessmen (business entrepreneur) of 20th century out of 4 nominative entrepreneurs. Alfred Sloan (General Motors) Thomas Watson (IBM), 20th century business leader Bill Gates and Sheryl James (James) and he got this award honour for transformation of the millions of life styles and for the revolution of automobile world creating a car which was the affordable for working middle class. As the heirs to Henry Fords extraordinary vision of progress because of that others job is to learn from the past and work toward the future. If that happens, perhaps people will be writing about their own generations manufacturing visionaries 100 years from now. He is great entrepreneur, charismatic personality, great leader, hard worker, risk taker and he had an unbeatable great qualities as an entrepreneur and it cannot be compare to another entrepreneur in world. Henry Ford had great ambition and he had a great confidence about himself and he truly believed his dreams come to true and he succeed. There was no way to escape the fact that Henry Ford was the great business impresario of his era or any era for that matter. -Douglas Brinkley, authors, Wheels for the world

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Working With Multiracial Students Essay example -- melting pot, interra

America has always been considered the melting pot of the world, but in recent years with the climb in the number of interracial marriages, (Root 1996) American school systems must learn how to cater to the needs of multiracial students. In this paper, multiracial â€Å"refers to people who are of two or more racial heritages. It is the most inclusive term to refer to people across all racial mixes. Thus it also includes biracial people† (Root 1996). Multiracial students face problems with developing their racial identity and feeling approval from peers who are not mixed, making their experiences in school more difficult especially in a social context (Gibbs 1990 as sited in moss and davis). For current and future educators, this means that there will be a growing need to support students from mixed backgrounds and create curriculums that cater to their needs as well as give those students positive perspectives on their racial make up. This paper will explore the complications that multiracial students face with their identity development and how schools and teachers can positively impact this development. Multiracial students face many problems coming to terms with their racial identity due to the inability to fall under a mono-racial category. In recent years, the amount of biracial births are out numbering the amount of mono-racial births, and these children will soon be entering the school system (Root 1996) with new unique problems when concerning their own racial identity. According to Poston, â€Å"Racial identity is defined as "pride in one's racial and cultural identity" (1990, p. 152 as cited in counseling biracial students). Compared to mono-racial peers, multiracial students are faced with constant conflicts over how to embrac... ... all aspects that make up their racial identity (Root 1996). Multiracial inclusion can be laced into everyday activities and projects. Works Cited Harris, H. L. (2006). African american school counselors: Their perceptions of biracial individuals. Journal Of Professional Counseling: Practice, Theory & Research, 34(1/2), 1-19. Chiong, J. A. (1998). Racial categorization of multiracial children in schools. Greenwood Press Moss, R. C., & Davis, D. (2008). Counseling biracial students: A review of issues and interventions. Journal Of Multicultural Counseling & Development, 36(4), 219-230. Wallace, K. R. (2004). Working with multiracial students : Critical perspectives on research and practice. Greenwich, Conn: Information Age Publishing. Root, M., P., (1996) The multiracial experience: Racial borders as the new frontier. Copyright 1996 by Sage Publications, Inc.

Communities Should Welcome Wal-Mart :: Critical Thinking Essays

Communities Should Welcome Wal-Mart How would you like to be penalized because you do your work too well--for example, for running your business so effectively that it attracts hordes of happy customers? Well, this is what is happening more and more frequently to Wal-Mart. Recently the West Covina, Calif., city council voted to deny the sale of land to developers who were going to build a Wal-Mart store on the site. The council was concerned that the Wal-Mart store would "threaten" other businesses and replace higher paying jobs in the area with lower-paying ones. The banning of Wal-Mart is being considered by the Los Angeles city council and has occurred in some other California cities as well as in other locations around the country. Wal-Mart is one of the most impressive success stories in the history of business. Founded some 50 years ago as a single five and dime store in a small Arkansas town, it has grown into a world-wide behemoth under the leadership of its brilliant founder, the late Sam Walton, and his able successors. It is the largest corporation in America in terms of sales, $245 billion. Wal-Mart has over 4,000 stores worldwide, employs 1.3 million people, and serves 100 million customers per week. It is quite true that Wal-Mart has been successful in outcompeting other stores which sell the same products, such as toys, clothing, and groceries. But how has it been able to do this? By discovering new ways of using computer systems and other technology to better manage its inventory and costs and reap the benefits of economy of scale. Wal-Mart is especially popular among low-income shoppers who cannot afford the prices of the more upscale stores. It has put other stores out of business, but that is the way capitalism works. The automobile replaced the horse and buggy. Sound motion picture replaced the silents. No one has a "right" to business success or a "right" to be protected from competitors through government intervention. One only has a right to try to compete through voluntary trade. In a free economy, companies that offer the best value for the dollar win and the losers invest their money elsewhere. It is also true that Wal-Mart pays lower wages than many unionized stores. But it must offer a market wage or risk its employees going elsewhere, and it deals with employees on a voluntary basis. Those who do not like its terms are free to do business elsewhere.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Biblical Truths Confirmed by Archaeological Findings Essay -- Religion

Biblical Truths Confirmed by Archaeological Findings Abstract Statement I have chosen a subject that is very important to me. As a Bible major, I believe the Word of God is vital and essential and that it is the only clear direction in life. Personally, I believe by faith the Bible is true from the first word in Genesis to the last word in Revelation. However, there are times when we need physical evidence to confirm our faith proving that the Bible does not just contain interesting stories, but is based rather on historical fact. I have always been interested in archaeological findings seeing the amazing discoveries being made everyday. For instance, through these discoveries we now have confirmed evidence of the Kingdom of David, the reign of King Herod, the affirmation of biblical text shown through the Dead Sea Scrolls, and much more! In my research, I would like to examine archaeological findings that confirm the biblical accounts. The information has changed my spiritual life and I am sure it will do the same for you. Introduction I am fascinated with the information I have learned through my research and college studies concerning Archaeology. In this paper I will endeavor to relate my personal interest in the subject matter, discuss a few of my favorite archaeological finds, and then conclude with King Herod’s most cherished creation – Caesarea Maritima. This has not only proven to be a marvelous creation, but an even better archaeological find! National Standards I believe there are several standards that are closely aligned with biblical archaeology. The three standards I feel are most important are under the Places and Regions element. This includes Knows ... ...ill find! For me this research proved to be an essential area for my studies and Christian life. I have found it to be a source of strength, assurance, and stronger faith towards knowing that the Word of God can be respected and trusted. Thank God. Works Cited International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, Electronic Database copyright 1996 by Biblesoft Biblical Archaeology, Tzaferis, Vassilios, Biblical Archaeology Review, January/February 1985, p. 44-53 International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, Electronic Database, copyright 1996 by Biblesoft Biblical Archaeology Review, May/June 1982, p. 26-41 Almighty God, The Bible The Best of Josh McDowell, A Ready Defense, Here’s Life Publishers, October 1990, p. 92 Frank, Harry Thomas. Atlas of the Bible Lands, Hammond Inc., 1990

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

RC Cola Case Essay

As we all know that Coca-Cola, Sprite, Pepsi are very famous drinks all over the world as well as Bangladesh. We can’t find single person who doesn’t like soft drinks. Mainly our young generation preferred to drinks. Now days there are many soft drinks company are coming continuously like Euro-Cola, RC Cola etc. Most of them are tastes are quite similar. Popularity of RC Cola is rapidly increasing day by day. In a small town, city even in villages RC Cola is available. RC Cola has taken a very strong place in people’s heart within very short time. One of the reasons is its price and another reason is its taste. The first line of beverages was named ‘Royal Crown’ and the first Cola was called Chero-Cola. Activities of the Management: Different activities of the management in RC Company Ltd. are given below: Planning: The overall planning approach in RC Company Ltd. is top-down. The seven members of the Board of Directors are responsible for the strategic planning and overall policy guidelines of the Company. Mainly the top level management plans al the long term and short term planning. ââ€"  Expansions of its products and sales are the long range planning. How can expand its products, sales and how it will be financed to earn more profit are its long term planning. * The lower level management of RC Company Ltd. makes short term plans. The management makes the plans of daily activities of the Company. Today or tomorrow’s work schedule making is the part of short term planning of RC Company Ltd. Organizing: Planning of the management of RC Company Ltd. establishes the goals of the company and how they are to be achieved. Organizing develops the structure to reach these goals. The CEO, Managing Director, Deputy Managing Director and Head of Factory are responsible for achieving business goals and overseeing the day to day operation. Co-ordinating: The CEO and Managing Director of the Company are assisted by a senior Management Group consisting of Deputy Managing Director and Head of Factory centrally and co-ordinates operations of offices. Management of RC Company Ltd. also trains their labors, so that they can get better performances from their labors. Directing: Through the planning the management of RC Company Ltd. builds climate, provides leadership and arranges the opportunity for motivation. Manager of the factory and offices plans and oversees the work of each of his or her sub-ordinates. Directing is aimed at getting the members of the Company to move in the direction that will achieve Company’s objectives. Controlling: The management approach in RC Company Ltd. is authoritative. Tasks are designed in such a way that one cannot leave without completing it as he is assigned for a day. Sitting arrangement in the factory and all offices is done in a way that the superior can monitor the sub-ordinates all the time. Budgeting, rewarding, punishing etc. are also practiced as control mechanism. Product planning: * RC Company designs the product according to the USA brand. * Import the raw materials from USA. * Assess the need of the market. * They assess the product cost and the price of the product in the market. * Import the machineries from USA. * They follow the production method of the foreign product. Production Method and Design: Most of the flavors of RC Cola are as concentrates, which are rigorously analyzed toensure the quality specifications. Each concentrate lot is coded and packaged, thenshipped on for the next step – the addition of sweetener and water to the concentratesto produce syrups for cola.The quality standards are very high. Mixing tanks must be of a specified grade of stainless steel. The entire syrup manufacturing system must employ hot sanitation. Precise control over water and sweetener components must be demonstrated. And,quality control professionals must oversee each step of the process. RC syrups start with fresh water, treated by using a multiple barrier filtration process.In one tank there are two large mixers, which look like wheels from outside. There tons of sugars are added to produce syrup. Then the syrup is transferred to the other tank where it is refined. After that it is kept under the Ultra Violet (UV) ray to cleanthe germs. In another tank the flavors are mixed. Finally it is transferred to thecarbonated chamber. Throughout the manufacturing process, they take special careto ensure that every step – from the selection of ingredients to the calibration of equipment – requirements. The final step is to verify that their efforts have been successful by testing the syrups for taste and adherence to their formula. Product and Customer solution: RC cola is a soft drink. We get it as a bottled drink. We get it in different size, quantity and taste. It contains calories, carbohydrate and sugar. There is no fat, protein and sodium. But diet cola has no sugar. We get it in different colors and flavors. It has no harmful element. It is a refreshing drink for all classes of people. RC is a product that consists of the basic physical offering and an accompanying set of images and services features that seek to satisfy needs. RC Cola is also that type product. Price and Customer cost: Price depends on its quantity. It is expected to all because the price is reasonable. We get it within 15-50 taka. Though the cost to market the product in the rural area is bit high, the price is same both to the urban and rural area. Pricing decisions are influenced by now responsive a target market is high or low price, the physiological created by prices and the actions of competitors. Inventory control: Inventory control balances the need for adequate stock against the costs of purchasing, handling, storing and keeping records on it. It is an attempt to keep enough material on hand to satisfy production requirements and at the same time avoid tying up too much capital in inventors. RC can keep its raw materials very well because if they do not keep their materials well they can face a heavy loss. Materials management: RC cola is a soft drink. To prepare it needs some elements that are very essential for it. The RC Company buys its raw materials from home and aboard. The RC Company establishes performance specification for required item, or accepts supplier’s specification. Department that needs submits purchase requisition to purchasing agent. Purchasing agent sends purchase order to supplier. Purchasing agent follows to confirm item will be delivered according to terms. Goods – received and inspected by the inspector of RC Company Promotion and Communication: Advertising is the main way of promoting new flavor and new design product. When the product is launched the company gives ads to the electronic media and paper media to create concentration of the people. When the new product is launched the company give discount in product. They offer several types of free gift with the newly launched product. Promotional strategy is the second element of the marketing mix. It involves the correct blending of advertising, publicity to create the promotional mix. Product and Customer solution: RC cola is a soft drink. We get it as a bottled drink. We get it in different size, quantity and taste. It contains calories, carbohydrate and sugar. There is no fat, protein and sodium. But diet cola has no sugar. We get it in different colors and flavors. It has no harmful element. It is a refreshing drink for all classes of people. RC is a product that consists of the basic physical offering and an accompanying set of images and services features that seek to satisfy needs. RC Cola is also that type product. Price and Customer cost: Price depends on its quantity. It is expected to all because the price is reasonable. We get it within 15-50 taka. Though the cost to market the product in the rural area is bit high, the price is same both to the urban and rural area. Pricing decisions are influenced by now responsive a target market is high or low price, the physiological created by prices and the actions of competitors. Responsibility to the Environment: Water pollution- Water pollution is caused by the dumping of toxic chemicals, sewage and garbage into rivers and streams. To keep the water pollution free, steps are strictly maintained by the RC Company people. Air pollution-Air pollution caused by carbon-monoxide and hydrocarbons that come from motor vehicles and by smoke and other pollutants from manufacturing plants. From the RC Company these gasses are not exhausted. Only very low amount of smoke exhausts from generators. Land pollution-Land pollution results from strip mining of coal and minerals, forest fires, garbage, disposals and dumping of industrial wastes including chemicals. RC Company is not caused any kind of land pollutions. Responsibility to Investors: Company also has a responsibility to the people who invest money to them. Proper management of funds-RC Company manages funds properly so as to return a fair profit to investors. Managers have a responsibility to thoroughly investigate their investments and to clearly present all facts and risks to investors. Access to information-RC Company has the responsibility to make stock information available to all potential investors. Executive compensation-Executives who run company carry tremendous responsibility and deserve to be compensated accordingly. A fair compensation program definitely rewarded executives for out-standing performance. Conclusion: The management approach differs from organization to organization. But all types of organization apply mare or less some common functions such as planning, marketing, HRM, co-ordinating and production. RC Company Ltd. successfully applies management functions in its operations. As a result, today RC Company deserves top position in the market of soft drinks.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Marketing Strategy In General Motors Essay

  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   General Motors Corporation was founded in the year 1908 with its head quarters based in the United States of America. It’s the world’s largest automaker manufacturing over 35 different brands and generally ranked the fifth largest company worldwide with a work force of over 280000 employees the world over. As part of corporate social responsibility G..M has given millions of dollars in computers to Engineering colleges. It has also created joint ventures dedicated to quality of life needs of employees through offering of medical care and other social services. In terms of marketing strategies, the company has embarked on large scale productions to minimize capital under utilization. Secondly, its diversity on automobile make also spreads the risks thus lowering chances of totally risky ventures. Branding has also been the secret behind their prosperous undertaking mostly with the introduction of trendy sports utility makes. Not to be left behind technologically, G.M has also kept up with the technological advancements with the manufacture of electric vehicles as well as the G.M auto racing models. INTRODUCTION   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Marketing strategy is when an organization designs the best combination or package of the traditional 4ps and extended 5ps in an attempt to influence the target market appropriately. There is need to review the current marketing strategy as the marketing environment is dynamic. An effective strategy requires a rich and current database.   An organization should therefore invest in continuous marketing research. General Motors has used various strategies in its growth. Among them are the generic strategies and grand strategies as discussed below.   DISCUSSION   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The General motors company has used the above strategies to maximize diversification. The company has used a strategy of using new technology in the market so that it can be competitive in market for better performance and facing new challenges coming up in the world market, like, before the 1970s the motor vehicle manufacturing companies in Europe regarded themselves as competing largely in a home market in which they were dominant. However, the subsequent changes in the motor vehicle industry were dramatic. The motor vehicle industry in general was faced with the problems of an increasingly competitive market in a changing business environment; the need was to match the organization’s activity to this environment in such a way as to   take advantage of such opportunities that might be provided and overcome the   many threats that could arise. Since the environment is continually changing the company makes strategic decisions for better growth of the organization.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Strategic decisions often have major resource implications for an organization. These may be decisions to do with the disposal or acquisition of assets of substantial value. The company decides as part of the rationalization of its operations to close a plant that is not doing well. Also the company adopts strategy of using new technology so as to achieve economies of scale in production. In other words, strategic decisions may result in major changes in the resource base of the business. Strategic decisions are likely to affect operational decisions, to set off waves of lesser decisions. For example, if the firm decides to rationalize its operations and cut back on manufacturing capacity and the workforce, this may give rise to industrial relations problems. Similarly, strategic decisions about rationalization, which lead to a revised product or manufacturing plan, will inevitably mean that the sorts of day-to-day problems faced by a production manager, or a sales manager, in the company turn out to be different. Again, then, it is important to understand that strategic decisions have wide ramifications across the organization. The strategy of an organization will be affected not only by environmental forces and resource availability, but also by the values and  Ã‚   expectations of those who have power in the organization. According to M.E. Porter (1980) corporate strategy is concerned with impact of external environment on the firm. In some respects, strategy can be thought of as a reflection of the attitudes and beliefs of those who have most influence in the organization. Whether a company is expansionist or more concerned with consolidation, or where the boundaries are drawn for a company’s activities, may say such about the values and attitudes of those who most strongly influence strategy. Making organization mission clear to member, this will serve as strategy.   The company uses its mission statement as a strategy which states that it will stand the best in producing motor vehicles, standing against competition, in terms of technological advances and in terms of its role in society. The company uses this strategy with specific aims as to where the organization is conceived to be throughout. Strategic decisions are likely to be concerned with the scope of an organization’s activities: does the organization concentrate on one area of activity, or does it have many activities? For example, should the firm focus? On a small range of products or, as in the past, have a very diverse range? To what extent should it be integrated backwards into manufacturing or forward into distribution? And should it attempt to compete widely in international markets, indeed would it survive without a wider international role?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   General Motors uses a strategy of matching organization’s activities with its resource capability. It also uses a strategy of countering environmental threats and taking advantage of environmental opportunities; by matching organizational resources to threats and opportunities. Before the company takes any strategy it looks at the long term implication it will bring to the firm before implementation is done. The decisions taken now by the management of the company will have long-term implications on the health of the business in later decades, for instance, a decision to close a plant that is not doing well or to move into another area of activity. Strategic decisions therefore tend to have long term horizons and or implications, strategic decisions are often complex in nature. General Motors has managers who look cross-functional and operational boundaries to deal with strategic problems and come to agreements with other managers who, inevitably, have different interests and perhaps different priorities. This problem of integration exists in all management tasks but is particularly problematic for strategic decisions. Strategic decisions are likely to involve major changes in organizations. The company has a team of experts who make sure that before a strategy is implemented, it has to be developed, and that there should be a strategic vision. The strategic vision is a view of an organization’s future direction and business course. The task involves visualizing the firm’s future position in five to ten years. The task is to inject sense of purpose into a firm’s activities, provide long-term direction, give the firm a strong identity and decide, who we are, what we do, and where we are An example of a strategic vision of an airline business us â€Å"We want our airline to be the worldwide airline of choice.† The strategic vision of General motors is communicated and shared by all those working for the company. After strategy vision has been done, organization move to the next level that is developing organization’s mission.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The company mostly uses its mission statement so that it does not get out its main aim. An organization’s mission represents management’s customized answer to the question; â€Å"what is our business?† A mission statement broadly outlines the organization’s future direction and serves as a guiding concept to what the organization is to do and become. (Cole, 1996). It reflects management’s vision of what the firm seeks to do and become, provides a clear view of what the firm is trying to accomplish for its customers, indicate the intent to stake out a particular business position.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Developing an organization’s mission as the strategy which will involve defining: who, what and where.   According to Thompson and Strickland (1990) who suggested that there are tasks of strategic management which they see as bringing together: setting of the overall mission or goals of organization, the establishing of business objectives and the strategy required to achieve the two above. It helps managers avoid losing focus on the firm’s direction to achieve what its aim that to expand and to grow in the market. Another strategy is setting objectiveness of the organization. The purpose of setting objectives is to convert the mission into performance targets, create yardsticks to track performance, establish performance goals and push the firm to be inventive, intentional and focused. Setting challenging but achievable objectives guards against the following: complacency, drift, internal confusion and status quo performance. Objectives provide a direction to the firm in its quest for realizing the vision and mission and benchmarks for judging organizational performance. The company employs qualified staff as strategy since qualified staff can be able to increase production and high quality hence making the firm to grow and increase its market share. It uses lower costs than its rivals as a cost leadership which will assist to reduce expenses charged against profit, making a firm to have high profit comparing with other firm, by increasing profit the company grow and increase the market share. The company does a thorough research as strategy that is becoming the leader in new product introduction to the market, this will assist to increase sales since no other firms will be selling such new product in the market. When one firm is selling a product in the market and no competitor, this means the firm will be selling at abnormal price hence making super profit and this will lead the firm to grow and increase market share. Overtaking rival firms on quality or customer services strategy will make business to grow. Customer service as strategy involves treating customer with very high respect and integrity, making customer to feel cared for and given good service, this will make the firm to increase the number of customers comparing with other firms and retaining those who have visited the firm, this will increase sales hence organization growth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The company uses the satisfaction of customer needs as its main strategy. Total Quality Management is used as strategy for organizational growth and increase of the market share to achieve this. Once customer requirements have been identified, they need to be translated into standards which can be interpreted and understood easily by employees and clients. One of the major quality difficulties facing service organizations is the defining of service quality standards. According to Ansoff (1984) redefined strategic management as a systematic approach for managing change which consists of positioning of the firm through strategy and capability planning, real time strategic response through issue management and a systematic management of resistance during strategic implementation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Once client requirements have been identified and standards of service defined, it is necessary to define systems which will enable the standards to be translated into achievable processes. To provide a service which satisfies and even delights clients, professional firms need to recruit and train their staff to achieve the required standards throughout the service process. The recruitment and selection of appropriate staff can be used has strategy by organization, as these are the foundation of any quality-conscious firm. The client-centered firm should take into account all relevant criteria and consider recruitment as the first stage in retaining loyal, well-motivated and happy employees. Proper training can also be a good strategy to organization. A professional employee, like any other member of staff, has a limited set of skills which require continual updating in the face of changing market demands and technology. Only by updating these skills using well-developed programs, can professional firms ensure that they equip their staff with the skills needed to respond to future client expectations. Internal communication methods is another important strategy organization can not do without. To ensure that staff members are aware of the importance of clients, it is essential that management communicates, on a regular basis, the need for continuous and organization-wide quality improvement to their staff. To achieve this, there are various internal communication methods available, which include: newsletters; team briefings; meetings; internal customer-supplier workshops; and training key interfacing departments in the main processes and procedures of the supplier and customer activities. To modify client interaction behavior, professional firms can introduce performance-related rewards and recognition systems as strategy to beat their rivals, which encourage client-satisfying behavior, recognizing and praising employees for work well done is not superfluous, but rather confirmation of accomplishments and a reinforcement of commitment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The company also uses financial objectives as strategy. Financial objective are those outcomes that relate to improving the firm’s financial performance such as: – a) Increase earnings growth from 10% to 15% per year.   b) Boost return on equity investment from 15% to 20%. For the objectives to have values as a management tool, they must be stated in quantifiable or measurable terms and specify a deadline for achievement. Objective-setting process should be a top-down process in order to achieve unity and cohesion throughout the organization. Because all managers need objectives the process should be top-down and should follow the following pattern: Start with organization-wide objectives, next, set business and product line objectives. Then, establish functional area and department objectives, individual objectives come last. Strategy-making concerns how to achieve desired strategic and financial, objectives out-compete rivals and win a competitive advantage, respond to changing industry and competitive conditions, defend against threats to the firm’s well-being, grow the business, among other things. A firm’s strategy will actually consist of making decisions about the following: How to satisfy customers, how to grow the business, how to respond to changing industry and market conditions, how to best capitalize on new opportunities, how to manage each functional piece of business and how to achieve strategic and financial objectives. Ansoff suggested a matrix of product market alternatives which has become widely used in basic terms the matrix offered the following alternatives: market penetration, product development, market development, and diversification any strategy to work it has to be implemented. Implementing strategies involves creating fits between the way things are done and what it takes for effective strategy execution, executing strategy proficiently and efficiently, and producing excellent results in a timely manner.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Proficient strategy execution will depend greatly on competent personnel, adequate skills and effect internal organization. There are three types of organization actions that are very important: Selecting able persons for key positions, making certain that the organization has the skills, core competencies, managerial talents, technical expertise, and competitive capabilities it needs and developing an organizational structure that is conducive to successful strategy executioner can be done by: allocating ample resources to strategy-critical activities. Organizational units need enough resources  Ã‚   to carry out their part of the strategic plan. This includes having enough of the right kinds of people and sufficient operating funds for them to do their work successfully, instituting best practices and programs for continuous improvement. A strong commitment to adopt best practices, especially for those activities where the potential for better quality performance or lower costs can translate into a sizable impact on the bottom line, is integral to effective strategy implementation, installing support systems that enable company personnel to carry out their strategy execution. Strategies cannot be executed without a number of support systems to carry on the business operations. For instance, an airline may not hope to provide a world class passenger service without a computerized reservation system, a system for accurate and expeditious handling of luggage and a strong aircraft maintenance program, tying reward structure to achievement of results: the company needs to enlist commitment, throughout the organization, to carrying out the strategic plan by motivating and rewarding people for good performance, creating a strategy-supportive corporate culture. The beliefs, goals and practices called for in a strategy may or may not be compatible with a firm’s culture. When they are not a company finds it difficult to implement strategy successfully. The management should stay focused as to what they are trying to achieve in the face of a changing environment and customer needs; otherwise they will not remain competitive in the industry, lowers management’s threshold to change. The management are made to understand that the environment is changing and thus the need to do things in a different way so as to have a competitive advantage in their area of operation, provides basis for evaluating competing budget requests and steering resources to strategy-supportive, results-producing areas, unites numerous strategy-related decisions of managers at all organizational levels. The managers are made to stay focused on one objective and not to make conflicting decisions, creates a proactive, rather than reactive, atmosphere; with the environmental scanning the organization is aware of changes in the environment and hence will take action to take advantage of the changes and prevent any adverse effects on itself, enhances long-range performance; the organization is always to plan for the long-term and its performance is focused on the achievement of long-term objectives and fewer resources and less time devoted to correcting erroneous or ad hoc decisions; this is because all the managers will be making decisions aimed at achieving the set objectives only and there will be enhanced coordination among them due to the existence of strategic management process. CONCLUSION The role of strategic management cannot be downplayed, given the need to align the organization with the changing environment with a view to realizing the long term objectives of the organization to the future with success. It is critical that all departments in the organization be involved in strategy formulation to ease the implementation process. Proper communication of the vision and mission serves to inspire challenge and motivate the workforce hence making organization grow and increase the market share. The General motor company as used the above strategies to grow by obtaining its objectives, increasing market share and market it to stay in the market. No company can grow or stay in the market if it does not use strategies to face challenges which face market industries RECOMMENDATIONS From the above we can say that due to changes in the environment it necessary to change ways of carrying out business. Any company to continue in business it has to change to new strategies, which will include ways of marketing, using latest technology, for example marketing using internet, having qualified staff in business that will be in appositions to employ new skills. It is very important for any company to look the welfare of employee since this will promote employees morale towards the work. Strategy should be seen as the continuous improvement of accompany so it should not forgotten at all costs, it should be seen as the backbone of the company. Since the company is seen as going concern it must be able to implement all strategies for it survive, this can be seen from the above company that General motors. Last but not least every company to compete in the industry must have clear vision and mission statement for its reference when doing business so that the company can stick to them. REFERENCES 1)Cole, G.A. (1994), Strategic Management, DP Publications. Chandler, Alfred D. (1962), Strategy & Structure, MIT press. Andrews, Kenneth R. (1987), The concept of corporate strategy, 3rd edition, Richard D. Irwin. Ansoff, H.I. (1965), Corporate Strategy, McGraw-Hill. Ansoff, H.I. (1964), Implanting Strategic Management, Prentice Hall International Porter, M.E. (1980), Competitive Strategy: Techniques for analyzing industries and competitors, The Free Press. Thompson, Arthur & Strickland, A.J. (1990), Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Richard D. Irwin.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Master of Public Health

1.   Statement of purpose for Masters of Public Health in USAI would like to think of a world where people would give priority to prevention rather than cure and save millions of dollars in medical procedures and health care provisions.   During the initial stage of my medical studies, I was considering a career in rehabilitation medicine because of the exposure that I had in physical therapy.   Although I enjoyed the field of helping people recover from their injuries and regain some of the functions that they have lost,I have often wondered why people prefer to spend so much money on seeking effective medical treatment instead of preventing illnesses, diseases and injuries.   While having close contacts with patients and monitoring their health conditions, my heart was drawn to pursue a career that would give emphasis to prevention and primary care so I can help my country and my fellowmen in Vietnam.Being a daughter of parents who are both in the field of medicine, I am fo rtunate enough to have a close view of the skills, knowledge and dedication involve in being a doctor.   Since I was a child, I had an early exposure in seeing my father render his service as a family physician in his private clinic in our district.   My father has been working for more than 30 years.   Each time I see patients consult him on some illnesses and health problems that are preventable, the never ending thought of knowing why people do not want to prevent illnesses kept bothering me.   I felt that something should be done.When I complete my Master degree in Public Health, I would like to collaborate with the Department of Health in educating my countrymen on the importance of preventive medicine so they can be spared of costly medical bills and they will be able to live a healthy and productive life.   Furthermore, I would like to be involved in research so I can impart my knowledge to other doctors and medical students and facilitate an exchange of knowledge a nd views among medical professionals on issues related to public health in my country and abroad.2.   Submit a narrative describing my past education, experience, and current professional career objectives.Through the Japanese government scholarship, I was awarded a full scholarship to take a medical course in Japan.   I have lived in Tokyo, Japan for 6 years.   Currently, I am on my last year of my medical studies in Tokyo Medical and Dental University.I obtained an initial introduction to public health during the 2-month course period in my current university.   The one semester class provided me with a basic but thorough understanding of the issues faced in health care today.   Then, I spent a month of internship in various health clinics in Tokyo and its outskirts.   To increase my knowledge about health care in other parts of the world, I participated in a month of externship in Western health care in the Gynecology department in Medical University of Valladolid in Spain.   As a medical student, I have spent the last two years of my studies in the hospitals and health clinics.   This experience has given me a clearer view about health care.I am thankful that each month, the university provides a special lecture and health care seminar that enabled me to meet some public health leaders specializing in various fields in different countries.   The knowledge and exposure has further strengthened my belief that no matter how developed a country is or how well organized their medical and health care system is, their citizens will still demand for a better health care system, a better preventive medicine and sanitation.Public health will always be a problem that will demand tremendous work in order to find an effective and efficient solution to a health problem without sacrificing quality.   The continuous problems faced by professionals in public health demand innovative and carefully thought solutions.   My medical background has also pro vided me with a chance to view health care programs in different perspectives and triggered my interest in preventive medicine and quality health care.In Vietnam, I had a chance to assist my parents while they were treating patients in their clinic.   Sometimes, I join them whenever they do their rounds and visit patients in the hospital.   My parents taught me the importance of having a good patient-doctor relationship and to maintain a good bedside manner at all times.   They believe that an effective cure does not only come with its physical treatment, it should also come together with the emotional and spiritual upliftment.   When all things fail, the patients’ determination and will to survive will take over.My parents have exposed me to the medical cases and issues that have confronted them during their medical practice.   I had the chance to review the medical history of the patients and understand their illnesses.   I have also met some specialists who had meetings with my parents to discuss the best possible treatment that could be given to their patients.   In many cases, I have often seen a lot of people go to the hospital or consult a doctor when their illness is already worst.Others have to remain in the hospital for many days for further observation and further treatment.   There are young people who have suffered from diseases and health problems such as heart attack, stroke, lung cancer and diabetes that could have been prevented by following a healthy lifestyle.   I have witnessed how members of the patients’ family struggle to search for money in order to save the lives of their loved ones and be provided with the treatment that they needed.During those years, I have always been nagged by the issue of prevention and cure and how each citizen could have a longer lifespan and a better quality of life if they were informed and educated about the prevention of illnesses.   I have also thought about how the countr y’s allocation of resources to those who have preventable illnesses could have been used to cure other non-preventable sickness.   All these thoughts have pushed me to serve my country and be in the field of public health.I still render my volunteer service whenever there is a chance to join the medical mission sponsored by various non-government organizations.   In the past medical missions, I have worked with volunteer doctors, nurses and para-professionals.   I interviewed patients and recorded their complaints and medical history.   Then, I accompanied them to the doctor who provided the treatment and gave them the necessary prescriptions and medicines.I also assisted the doctors in making referrals to the hospitals and other specialist.   Sometimes, I accompany some doctors who monitor the progress of these patients.   My hunger for knowledge and my passion to be of service to the community continuously grow with every exposure that I have in the field of hea lth and medicine.   The fulfillment of seeing people respond to the treatment and to see the smiles in their faces is priceless and worth every ounce of work and perseverance that I have given to my studies and profession.3. Plans that the applicant has to use the education and training acquired at university, the needs and/or challenges the applicant perceives as important in the relevant field of study, and any personal qualities, characteristics, and skills the applicant believes will enable him or her to be successful in the chosen field of study.Foreign students like me will benefit from the extra-ordinarily talented professionals and interdisciplinary program that emphasize on problem solving and the acquisition of fundamental public health skills.   The faculty brings a range of skills and real-world experience to its work while providing the foundation for our intellectual growth.As a citizen of an Asian country, I am glad that the program incorporates research and servi ce activities that are designed to identify and resolve economic, clinical and behavioral issues focusing on Africa and Asia.   This will enrich my knowledge in disease control and prevention while learning ways to improve the health condition of people residing in resource poor countries.So many lives were affected in Asian countries due to diseases transmitted by insects (malaria, dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis, yellow fever), through food and water (cholera, typhoid fever, hepatitis A, parasitic infection), through intimate contact (AIDS/HIV, hepatitis B), and other diseases (Schistosomiasis, rabies, tuberculosis, pneumonia).Vaccinations for measles could have prevented pregnant mothers from delivering a child with mental retardation, deafness and blindness.   Early death among children could have been prevented if there is a massive immunization drive in the community.   Since Vietnam is part of Asia, I would like to actively support and participate in the implementat ion of the health program not only in my country but also in other Asian countries.Being a foreigner, I believe that it will be a challenge to know about the public health programs, policies and issues as well as health services across the states.   In my graduate studies, I expect to have a number of research papers and case studies to work on that will enriched my knowledge and exposure on the different side of health care that is found in a developed country.   There is a big difference in terms of public health policies and programs between developed and developing countries.   In my studies, I would like to thoroughly study its differences and would like to determine how the health care policies and programs in the United States can be adapted in Vietnam.How can I keep my countrymen healthy?   How can I contribute to the quality of care in Vietnam?   I would like to find answers for these questions before returning to my homeland after the completion of my graduate st udies in public health.   I welcome the challenge to study in a technologically advanced country.   My dedication and passion to serve my country outweighs the challenge and the obstacles that any foreign student will face in a foreign land.